Just a Friendly Note (argh edition)

Dear Good Intentions: Where did you go?  This was supposed to be the year of decluttering and more veggies, remember?  You’re here somewhere…under the clutter and mac-n-cheese, right?

Dear Semester:  How have you managed to best me already?  Normally it takes at least three months before I fall into the Slough of Despair.  I am trying to reject your overwhelmy-ness but have been reduced to feeble whimpers, mostly. How much longer until spring break?

Dear Form Designers: What is the deal with having us type in all the information until we get to state, but then, for some inexplicable reason, we have to switch modes and swirl the little dial to choose it? It would be much faster to type in the abbreviation for our state. It’s two letters. Two.

Dear Tech Guy: Thank you for installing the new program on my computer. But it would be nice if we didn’t have conversations like this:

Me: Why do I need a new program?
Tech Guy: It stopped updating.
Me: Is there any way I could prevent that?
Tech Guy: You could update it by hand.
Me: But you have it set up so that I can’t make updates.
Tech Guy: That’s because it’s supposed to update itself.
Me: But it stopped.
Tech Guy: Yeah.
Tech Guy:
Tech Guy:
Me: Well, if I could manage my own system, I could update it.
Tech Guy: You shouldn’t have to. Because it updates itself.
Me: But last time it didn’t.
Tech Guy: Yeah.


How about you, dear readers? What’s on your ARGH list this week?

29 thoughts on “Just a Friendly Note (argh edition)

  1. Cynthia,
    Great stuff here. I totally get where you are coming from. Especially the computer crap! I have that same problem. Maybe we should send a spam email of this to every IT person out there!

    A – Dear Amazon, Why do you have to be so particular when I am asking for something from Alexa?
    “Alexa, play Barry Manilow Legacy edition”
    “I cannot find Barry Manilow Legacy Edition”
    “Alexa, play Barry Manilow Live”
    “Playing Daybreak from Barry Manilow Live”
    “Alexa stop. Alexa play Barry Manilow Live album”
    “I cannot find Barry Manilow Life…”
    “Alexa stop! Play Barry Manilow Live Album”

    R – Dear Roommates, why can’t you clean up after yourselves? I’m not asking for hands and knees scrubbing, but why do I have to pick up your trash from every table and floor in the house? Why can’t you put dishes in the dishwasher instrpead of on the counter? And why we are at it, why do you wait until there’s no silverware left before you push a simple button to run the dishwasher?

    G – Dear Gums, why do you have to be so sensitive this week? Yeah I just had gum surgery, but I’m tired of pudding and cottage cheese. Start healing already so I can chew food!

    H – Dear Holiday Creator, Why do you have to be so mean? Presidents’ Day is over, and now I have to wait 2 1/2 months for the next free official day off. January has 2 holidays. November has 2 holidays. Why couldn’t the powers that be create 1 free day off in every month? Just to break up months of work stress?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thanks, Hestia, and great job on your notes! I can relate…

      Alexa and Siri must be related. I’m like please play song X and she’s like I can’t find X and I’m like it’s right in the playlist and she’s like what playlist? and I’m like the one that I just said, what’s your deal? and she’s like I can’t find it, don’t get an attitude with me, missy and I’m like FINE (*swipes shut*) and then I have to go find it manually and she wins. Every time, I don’t know why I keep trying. I swear she’s laughing in there.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with you on the “overwhelmy-ness,” Cynthia!! I’ve never had so many things to keep track of lately and it just seems to get worse. (I’m not even going to talk about all the tech systems and stuff that are supposed to make my life easier and #TotalFail.)

    Liked by 3 people

  3. “Overwhelmy-ness” deserves a listing in Webster’s! Good news, Cynthia, it’s not much longer until Spring Break — and I believe you’ll be spending part of yours in Reno with the Chicks!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I thought I was the only one who hated the whole scroll for your state thing. And Washington is almost last. Drives me batty. My favorite is when you put your zip code in and the state fills in automatically. That’s the sweet spot in a fill-in form. Do veggies count if you cover them with cheese?

    Liked by 3 people

  5. “Dear Form Designers: What is the deal with having us type in all the information until we get to state, but then, for some inexplicable reason, we have to switch modes and swirl the little dial to choose it? It would be much faster to type in the abbreviation for our state. It’s two letters. Two.”


    Liked by 3 people

  6. Dear Week, How did you get to Thursday already? I’m only up to Wednesday.
    Dear Cat, Just because it’s morning and you want food doesn’t mean you can wake me up by biting my nose.
    Dear Laptop, Why didn’t you mention that the software update was going to take as long as it did? I had to kill time playing Plants vs. Zombies instead of doing actual work, which is why I picked you up in the first place.
    Great post, Cynthia! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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