Yay! It’s summer! (Right?!)

Happy summer! Okay, so summer doesn’t officially start until [checks Google, does spit take] … June 21st!? I mean, I knew it didn’t literally start today, on Memorial Day, but let’s face it, it should. Even though we have almost a month left, I refuse to believe that it is not summer right now.

Whoever invented the Gregorian calendar (okay, Google shows it was Pope Gregory XIII) didn’t take any of the following into account:

  • I just bought a cherry pie and watermelon lemonade at Whole Foods. Cherry pie is a summertime food.
  • You have officially been given the go-ahead to wear white shoes.
  • I have a bottle of rose’ chilling in the fridge, which I’m taking to a barbecue this afternoon.
  • Next week, at least in some parts of the country, the temperatures are supposed to be in the 100s. The temperature map of the U.S. is going to look like a giant flame.

To further complicate matters, this so-called Gregorian “summer” goes well into September, several weeks after the beginning of the school year. I can’t help but feel like an adjustment might be in order!

A few years ago, I embraced summer as a theme. Having let one too many of them come and go with barely a notice, I declared it the Summer of Summer. We kept a watermelon in the fridge. Went to an amusement park. Picked blackberries. Went bike riding. It was glorious!

So I say jump right in! Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not summer yet, especially not some old Pope dude. (Who knows, back in October of 1582, this plan probably seemed spot-on.)

Get a pedicure, make strawberry shortcake, read a trashy novel — heck, write a trashy novel! If you still feel like carrying it over into September, you have a three-week grace period until you have to put on your corduroy and jump in a pile of leaves.

Readers: how to you celebrate summer? Let us know in the comments below!

31 thoughts on “Yay! It’s summer! (Right?!)

  1. I’m getting tired of the flash floods around here. You know it’s summer when we’re getting those every couple of days.
    I don’t celebrate summer because I am allergic to the outdoors. Seriously. Pollen, insect bites, flowers, grass. I celebrate summer by making summery foods though. Shortcake. Fruit crepes. Ice cream!
    Speaking of, I gave my ice cream make to a cuz yesterday because I bought the Bentley of ice cream makers on Saturday. It has a compressor in it. No more putting the tub in the freezer overnight and planning in advance. Ice cream in an hour!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yum! You’ll be the most popular girl on the block! If I ever live in a hot state again, I’m definitely springing for an ice cream maker!

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  2. When I moved to Oregon, I was told that “summer doesn’t start till after the Fourth of July.” and despite some lovely springs that has generally been true. On the other hand, summer usually extends itself well into October.

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  3. It’s been so cold, foggy, and windy here in Santa Cruz that I don’t believe summer is EVER going to come. [Scowls, zips up her hoodie sweatshirt, and turns on the heater.] But if it does ever arrive, I plan on harvesting some of my tomatoes (which are having a hard time of it now) and basil sometime in July and making an Insalata Caprese!

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  4. The soundtrack to my childhood summers was the tinkling music of the ice cream truck coming down the street. I’d scramble to gather change and and run fast, afraid the ice cream truck would pull away before I got my treat. (It never did!) The first ice cream cone from the stand in the local park still signals the beginning of summer to me. Hey, wait… that stand should be open today!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. There’s an ice cream truck that comes through my condo complex two or three times a day year round. I’ve never bought anything from them, but I can’t help but hear the music since they mostly spend their time here on my street.

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  5. My ultimate Frisbee summer league starts next week. My TV shows are on hiatus, although my summer shows aren’t starting up quite yet (just American Ninja Warrior this week). And I’m doing the Camp Pendleton Mud Run in 12 days. The weather is finally above 80 again (although it’s supposed to dip by Thursday). It’s summer!

    This year, I hope I make it to the beach at some point. It seems like I only make it during spring beach ultimate Frisbee league any more, and I miss it.

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  6. Happy summer, all! We just got to NY on a redeye to see my mom, so I’ll be light on social media. But wishing you all a great kickoff. And M, so jealous you get to go to a bbq. Have fun!

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  7. I love love loved this post, Marla!! I am going to adopt your Summer of Summer idea because I feel they’ve been slipping away almost unnoticed of late. More watermelon, lemonade, ice cream, fireflies, s’mores, festive mini lanterns, sundresses, Beach Boys, swimming, reading and WRITING for me this year!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ooooh, YES! I love your vision. (Fireflies, especially. We don’t get them out here but I’m hoping to see some next week.) Welcome to the Summer of Summer!

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  8. The temperature on my computer says 88 degrees. I have watermelon in the fridge, steaks for the grill, I’m writing from the comfort of my deck, and the kids are at the pool. Heck yeah it’s summer!

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