WIPs & RIPs: Inaugural Post

Welcome to a new Chick Chat series: WIPs & RIPs, a bookish report of what we’re writing (a.k.a. Works In Progress), what we’re reading (i.e. Reads in Progress), and which projects we’re bidding a fond Rest in Peace. Read on, then chime in to tell us what’s occupying your WIP & RIP lists.

Lisa Q. Mathews

Work in Progress: I’m in the middle of writing CRIMSON IN CLOVER, Book #2 in my Irish Bed & Breakfast Mysteries. (At least I hope my publisher likes that title!). THE JIG IS UP (Book #1) comes out this August, so I’m pretty much seeing everything in shades of green these days–kind of like Emerald City in Oz. This story is set during a very hot July in New England–Irish festival season–so I’m sure I’ll be living it myself as I write. I just bought a portable desk I found on Instagram so I can move it around to wherever the portable AC is. If that doesn’t work, there’s always blowing a fan over a bowl of ice as one gasps like a fish on the floor. I’m looking forward to researching those festivals IRL, though–always a good time under the big tents!

Read in Progress: I’m one of those readers who usually has a few books going at once, depending on my mood. Right now I’m reading FINDERS: Justice, Faith and Identity in Irish Crime Fiction by Anjili Babbar, the latest Findlay Donovan by Elle Cosimano, and FUNNY STORY by Emily Henry.

Rest in Peace: Well..other than the odd short story, I never really abandon any of my mss. Not permanently, anyway. I just haven’t finished them yet! (See reading multiple books at once, above.) THE JIG IS UP is a story-of-the-heart I started a loooong time ago and put aside–and I’m thrilled it will soon be an actual book!

 Ellen Byron

Work in Progress: My work-in-progress is revisions on Golden Motel Mystery #2, Solid Gold Murder, which revolves around the second “Gold Rush,” the result of heavy spring rains exposing long-dormant threads of gold in our state.

Read in Progress: I’m reading Nancy Cole Silverman’s 3rd Kit Lawson Mystery, Murder on the Med. It’s set on an elite cruise ship where people live as they travel the world and is great fun.

Rest in Peace: I spent more than a month crafting a cozy mystery series that revolved around my favorite craft, needlepoint. My editor was excited! He really wanted me to do the series. I re-read the proposal and… meh. It just wasn’t there. Something was missing but I couldn’t figure out what. My agent agreed to me. So, proposal shelved. But someday I will channel my craft into a series!

Leslie Karst

Work in Progress: I’m diligently (okay, maybe “sloooowly” is the better word) working through book two in my Orchid Isle Mystery Series, Waters of Destruction. I’m at that key part of the story where Valerie has to figure out who dunnit and why, and in a way that shows her diligence and intelligence, as opposed to it being mere dumb luck. Which is hard (listen carefully and you’ll hear the whining in that last word).

Read in Progress: I’ve just started a book I picked up at Left Coast Crime, Margot Douaihy’s Scorched Grace (which has been nominated for both the Lefty and Anthony Awards). It’s the story of a tattooed, chain-smoking, punk rocker-turned nun in New Orleans who’s determined to solve the mystery of an arson and murder at her convent. It’s most definitely not a cozy, but would be perfect for those looking for some dark and snarky humor in their mysteries.

Rest in Peace: See Work in Progress, above. I’m truly looking forward to figuring out the end to my manuscript and getting it down on paper my computer.

Kathleen Valenti

Reads in Progress: My current notable RIPs this month are a couple of manuscripts for an award show. I’ve read for this award in the past, and it’s always such a delight. This year’s manuscripts are SO GOOD, and it’s exciting to see new talent, new voices, and new stories emerge. I also love the variety, as I’ve been served up both a cozy and a something that’s a bit more on the thriller side of things. This truly fills my cup. ❤

Becky Clark

Work in Progress: BEATEN, book #4 in my Sugar Mill Marketplace series. The first trilogy revolved around Dena and the bookstore (BOOKED, PLOTTED, BOUND). This second trilogy revolves around Kober and her bakery (BEATEN, FROSTED, BURNED).

Read in Progress: I just finished Alexander McCall Smith’s THE KALAHARI TYPING SCHOOL FOR MEN so tomorrow I get to start a new one! I was lucky enough to hang out with Christin Brecher at Left Coast Crime in Seattle where I picked up her MUGSHOTS OF MANHATTAN. Looking forward to starting it!

Rest in Peace: My green thumb. I’m taking a deep breath this year and buying a couple of pre-planted annual baskets for my patio. Most of my patio pots have cracked, and I spend the same amount of money when I plant them myself—probably more, to be honest—so I’ve decided to save my back this year and let the nursery do the work for me. It’ll be a weird change, but probably a good one. Fingers crossed, anyway.

Jennifer Chow

Work in Progress: Revisions on Book 2 in the Magical Fortune Cookie series; the story takes place at a wedding gone wrong, where Felicity is catering a tiered egg tart cake. Title? Star-Crossed Egg Tarts

Read in Progress: I got to blurb Lisa’s book, The Jig is Up. Such a fun read, and coming to you on August 20th!

Rest in Peace: A traditional mystery featuring a twenty-year-old goddaughter of a magician who tries to figure out the reason her parents really died. I couldn’t quite capture the right voice; it swerved a little too YA.

Readers, tell us about your writing and reading ways these days.

47 thoughts on “WIPs & RIPs: Inaugural Post

  1. Love my TBR list! At my 20 limit on Amazon Prime, so I log samples for now so I don’t lose track of the good ones. As for writing, I have the non-fiction (i.e., mini-books, weekly posts, and monthly newsletter). On the fiction side, I have a mashup underway (i.e., 60% thriller, 30% mystery, and 10% romance). It’s fun putting the Trellis Method to work in Scrivener.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. For the free books available with a Prime membership and Kindle Unlimited, the current limit is set to 20. You must return a book before downloading another after you reach 20. It’s amazing how fast you can hit the max when reading multiple series.

        The Trellis Method is a writing system that guides writers step-by-step. Prompt-based worksheets include genres, premises, characters, plots, themes, story beats, scenes, and self-publishing. Those worksheets apply techniques gleaned from the practices of bestselling authors.

        For example, as writers, we set a goal to write a book readers will love. The Trellis Method’s design achieves the writer’s goal with a system of time-proven prompts.

        The Trellis Method is especially fun to use with the Scrivener app. That software houses all the instructions and prompts, encouraging writers to write instead of mostly reading about our craft.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful recommendations, ladies! I just started an ARC of FLYING OFF THE CANDLE, the latest in Sarah Burr’s Glenmyre Whim series. On deck is Marjorie McCown’s STAR STRUCK. Happy reading!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Reading MOTHER-DAUGHTER MURDER NIGHT by Nina Simon and listening to a new-to-me podcast called Writers Who Read, hosted by Gary McBride. Deals with primarily literary novels, but the three writers discuss each book with an eye to applying insights to their own writing, which I love and learn a lot from.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. WIPs

    Just finished my 2nd volume of Sherlock Holmes stories, Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson: A Peek into Watson’s Dispatch Box. It comes on line at Amazon on May 24. I’m doing something different with this one. A friend owns Elaine’s restaurant in Alexandria, Va. and has made it available to me for a book launch party on June 8. If you’re in the area, you can sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-sherlock-holmes-dr-watson-a-peek-into-watsons-dispatch-box-tickets-897763413537?aff=oddtdtcreator if you’re in the area.

    I’m also starting the 9th book in the Natalie McMasters Mysteries, which I hope to have out in the fall. The provisional title is Taken! Book 8 ended on a huge cliffhanger, which will be resolved in this volume.

    As far as RIP in concerned, I’ve just started Death in the Orchard, by my good friend M.K. Graff. It’s the third book in her Trudy Genova series, in which the heroine brings her police detective boyfriend home to help solve her father’s murder.


  5. WIPs

    Just finished my 2nd volume of Sherlock Holmes stories, Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson: A Peek into Watson’s Dispatch Box. It comes on line at Amazon on May 24. I’m doing something different with this one. A friend owns Elaine’s restaurant in Alexandria, Va. and has made it available to me for a book launch party on June 8. If you’re in the area, you can sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-sherlock-holmes-dr-watson-a-peek-into-watsons-dispatch-box-tickets-897763413537?aff=oddtdtcreator if you’re in the area.

    I’m also starting the 9th book in the Natalie McMasters Mysteries, which I hope to have out in the fall. The provisional title is Taken! Book 8 ended on a huge cliffhanger, which will be resolved in this volume.

    As far as RIP in concerned, I’ve just started Death in the Orchard, by my good friend M.K. Graff. It’s the third book in her Trudy Genova series, in which the heroine brings her police detective boyfriend home to help solve her father’s murder.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Tom and Readers, the Chicks extend our apologies for the odd formatting of the above post. We are fighting a backstage WordPress gremlin and can’t seem to fix the font and spacing at the moment. But we wanted everyone to have a chance to read about all that Tom has going on, wow! Sorry again, Tom. Bad, bad gremlins. Begone!


  6. WIPs

    Just finished my 2nd volume of Sherlock Holmes stories, Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson: A Peek into Watson’s Dispatch Box. It comes on line at Amazon on May 24. I’m doing something different with this one. A friend owns Elaine’s restaurant in Alexandria, Va. and has made it available to me for a book launch party on June 8. If you’re in the area, you can sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-sherlock-holmes-dr-watson-a-peek-into-watsons-dispatch-box-tickets-897763413537?aff=oddtdtcreator if you’re in the area.

    I’m also starting the 9th book in the Natalie McMasters Mysteries, which I hope to have out in the fall. The provisional title is Taken! Book 8 ended on a huge cliffhanger, which will be resolved in this volume.

    As far as RIP in concerned, I’ve just started Death in the Orchard, by my good friend M.K. Graff. It’s the third book in her Trudy Genova series, in which the heroine brings her police detective boyfriend home to help solve her father’s murder.


  7. Writing – I’m getting itchy. I haven’t had much time for review writing this week, and I have two book reviews to draft for next week. They must get done today so I can revise them over the weekend since I plan to post them. Also have some TV show reviews I’d like to write, but the need to write them isn’t as pressing since I don’t have posting dates for them yet.

    Reading – I should be finishing KILL OR BEE KILLED by Jennie Marts today, the second in her bee keeper mysteries. I’m planning to review it the last week in May since I have so many ARCs for June (publishers still need to check with me when planning their releases. Just one May ARC but so many in June). Of course, once I do that, it’s a third book review I need to write.

    Next up for me will be I SLEEP AROUND by Sue Ann Jaffarian, a non-fiction book about her life as a full time RVer. If you don’t know Sue Ann, she wrote some great mysteries while working as a paralegal here in LA, but when she retired, she hit the road. I’m looking forward to it. (Another June release I’ll be reviewing in May.)

    Watching – There’s a new Hallmark Mystery Movie tonight…which will lead to another review to get written today. Because I try to review those ASAP since I usually get good hits from them.

    I sense a lot of writing in my future this weekend.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I do miss reading Sue Ann’s Odelia Gray mysteries. I knew that she was travel in a RV but did not know that she wrote about her RV travels.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Man, don’t get me started on how many books that I have in my TBR. I love so many of you author’s books that it gets hard. I just finished the Barbara Ross Maine Clambake Mysteries and am so sad that they are ended. I hate that. So, now I will read Maria DiRico’s A Catering Hall Mystery and this is the last one. I am so bummed out about books that I love ending but want to read them. Jennifer J. Chow’s Ill-Fated Fortunes is next. So many more. So little time. You authors need to just keep writing and I will try to read them all. Thank you for letting me escape and find entertaining books. I love you all and the Chicks on the Case blog.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Madeleine. I have an extra e in there. Named after Madeleine Carroll, a movie star as Daddy went form an usher in 1932 to District Manager of 4 theatres in the RGV until 1962 with Interstate Theatres.


  9. After being home for a week from my Singapore/Vancouver vacation, I am no longer jet-lagged but am still battling a nasty respiratory bug.

    In anticipation of going to next week’s first ever Montreal mystery festival, I am reading books by several panelists/GOH (Guest of Honour, yes with a “U” since the festival is in Canada).

    Very unusual for me to read all Canadian mystery/thriller writers, but here’s my current reading list:

    I am listening to GOH Shari Lapena’s newest thriller, EVERYONE HERE IS LYING (70% done). The book has recently been nominated for Crime Writers of Canada’s (CWC) best novel of the year (2024). Winners will be announced the end of May.

    I enjoy reading Catherine McKenzie’s suspense books. Catherine’s new book, EVERY TIME I GO ON VACATION, SOMEONE DIES, is getting a lot of buzz. She writes this new series under the pseudonym of Catherine Mack. The debut book features 35-year-old mystery writer Eleanor Dash who gets ensnared in solving a real-life mystery while on her book tour in Italy. It is a fun read, so far.

    I am almost finished (90% done) listening to Jennifer Hillier’s thriller, Things We Do In The Dark. It is rare & nice to read a thriller set in Canada (both Toronto & Vancouver)!

    And I also have Robyn Harding’s newest thriller, THE DROWNING WOMAN on my TBR. Like Shari’s book, Robyn’s book is a CWC best novel of the year nominee.


  10. OK, trying again. I thought I posted a comment but have come back 30 minutes later to see it is not here!

    In anticipation of going to next week’s first ever Montreal mystery festival, I am reading books by several Canadian panelists/GOH (Guest of Honour, yes with a “U” since the festival is in Canada).

    I am listening to GOH Shari Lapena’s newest thriller, EVERYONE HERE IS LYING (70% done). A 9-year daughter goes missing as she made her way home from school. The police soon find the close-knit neighbors have lots of secrets & lies. The book has recently been nominated for Crime Writers of Canada’s (CWC) best novel of the year (2024). Winners will be announced the end of May.

    I enjoy reading Catherine McKenzie’s suspense books. Catherine’s new book, EVERY TIME I GO ON VACATION, SOMEONE DIES, is getting a lot of buzz. She writes this new series under the pseudonym of Catherine Mack. The debut book features 35-year-old mystery writer Eleanor Dash who gets ensnared in solving a real-life mystery while on her book tour in Italy. It is a fun read, so far.

    I just finished listening to Jennifer Hillier’s thriller, THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK. It is rare & nice to read a thriller set in Canada (both Toronto & Vancouver)!

    And I am starting to read Robyn Harding’s latest thriller, THE DROWNING WOMAN. Like Shari’s book, this 2023 book is a CWC nominee for best novel of the year.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Grace, this sounds like an awesome list! More power to you for all that reading. And sorry about the posting problems. WordPress is marking some of our beloved blog readers as spam, curse it! I need to check and see if anyone else got caught up in this.


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