And our votes for president go to…

This may come as a shock to some of you, but we’re in the middle of a presidential race. And it got us Chicks thinking… which of our characters would make the best leader of the free world? Who in our fictional world would we nominate for the toughest job on earth?

Ellen Byron


While my protagonist, Maggie Crozat, is smart and compassionate, she’s too artsy for this demanding position, as well as being a little mouthy. Instead, I nominate her boyfriend, Detective Bo Durand, and I think Maggie would agree that this is a wise choice. His years in law enforcement have made him tough, and given him a lot of skills that would be useful for a president. Nuclear codes missing? He’s dusting for prints. But he’s not just a no-nonsense hardass. His young son has Asperger’s, which has made him sensitive to families struggling with issues, and people on the margins of society. Plus, Bo is hot as hell. And as Canada’s hunky Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has proven in countless swoon-worthy photo ops, that is a terrific bonus in a world leader.

Lisa Q. Mathews

CotC Word balloons

I think I can safely say that neither of my co-sleuths, practical senior Dorothy Westin and twenty-something party girl Summer Smythe, would ever put themselves forward as candidates. In fact, Summer has probably never even voted. (I know. I wish I could convince her, but last time I dropped her at a polling place, she took the “I Voted!” sticker and a free lollipop and walked out the back door.) Dorothy, on the other hand, is an upstanding citizen and a staunch Independent who hasn’t missed a vote in her life, including non-presidential years. Maybe she can persuade Summer to mend her ways, as she often does. The only character in The Ladies Smythe & Westin series who might throw her sunhat in the ring with zeal, Gladys Rumway, would have both Hillary and The Donald for breakfast. (And no, not in the hostessing sense.)

 Marla Cooper

CotC Marla Cooper

I actually think my main character, Kelsey McKenna, would make a pretty good commander in chief. She’s smart and resourceful, and, as a destination wedding planner, she certainly possesses a well-rounded knowledge of foreign affairs. Her job also entails a lot of diplomacy, as she’s spent years having to bite her tongue around clients and using her skills of persuasion to end detentes. She has to work with vendors, stick to a timeline, and make sure everything’s running smoothly—all while keeping everything within budget. Of course, she’d probably run with her best friend Brody Marx as Vice President and her assistant Laurel as Secretary of State. Yep, they’ve got my vote!

Kellye Garrett


I’m not going to lie. I’d be scared if any of my characters were leaders of the free world. My main character Dayna can’t get her life together, much less the country. Sierra, Day’s roomie, would be way too into dressing up for the State Dinners and taking selfies with the other dignitaries. Tech expert Emme doesn’t leave the house and you can’t exactly campaign via FaceTime and Skype. And Dayna’s PI nemesis Aubrey? Let’s just say I wouldn’t want him as my next President. That leaves one person – Day’s crush Omari. There is precedence. He’s an actor (Hello Reagan) and black (Hello Obama). Plus he’s from Brooklyn, which means he could handle any crisis without even blinking. All hail President Grant!

Readers, which fictional characters have YOUR vote? Nominate them in the comments below!

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