“The weirdest thing I like to eat is..”

Pretty much everyone has at least one quirky eating habit. Today, the Chicks share ours. You will either be horrified – or discover a potential new unexpected tasty treat!

Lisa Q. Mathews

CotC Word balloons

I probably shouldn’t even admit these food foibles in public. But I love to delicately dip forkfuls of breakfast sausage into a quarter-plate of raspberry jam (with seeds, of course). I’ll never forget the look on my Irish relatives’ faces when I introduced them to that combo (I converted them, though, once they got over their shock and awe). I’ve also been known to eat strained baby food peaches as a side for just about anything, including hamburgers. I ate it straight from the jar until middle school, then picked this delicacy up again when my kids were babies. (They’re lucky they didn’t starve: “One for you, and two for ME!”). The nurses at my dad’s assisted living also used to very sweetly add an extra peach dessert for me to his tray. I used to not care whether it was Gerber’s or Beechnut, but now Gerber’s mixes their peaches with gross things like squash (what halfway-discerning baby or full-grown adult would be fooled by that?).  Added bonus: I easily meet my daily nutrient requirements (potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, carbohydrates) for six-months-old and up!

 Ellen Byron


I love peanut butter and bacon – even turkey bacon – sandwiches. As I write this, I’m craving one. It’s odd because I’m not particularly nuts about either individually, but adore them together. It’s just this awesome combo of sweet and savory.

When I was a kid, I used to make pretzel and potato chip sandwiches on white bread. No joke. Again, a delicious, if carbo-packing treat. I’ve been so tempted to make one of these again as an adult but just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s one of those things where you wonder, will it taste as good as I remember it?

I’m guessing it will.

Vickie Fee

vickieSo, like Ellen and Leslie I have my own perverse take on the peanut butter sandwich. When I was a kid, I loved sandwiches with peanut butter and sliced sweet pickles. I still maintain sweet pickles are superior to jelly. It’s like jelly with a crunch! I also like mayo on French fries. I always thought I was just weird until I learned that Belgians typically eat their fries with mayo. Now I feel very continental! BTW, according to legend, French fries were invented, not by the French, but by a group of Belgian peasants in the 17th century. If Belgians invented fries, then their preferred condiment should be the standard, right?

Cynthia Kuhn

cynthiaThe only thing I can think of is popcorn with a little bit of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter and paprika sprinkled on top. I have no idea where that came from–college dorm life, maybe? It’s a strange combination but it’s somehow satisfying. Like: not exactly delicious…but interesting. (Of course real butter is the best but I could never use that without feeling guilty.) And I never really got into the shaker thingies with flavors intended to spice up your popcorn–probably because I don’t like salt added to anything. Okay, this is pathetic. I’m open to suggestions. How do you like your popcorn? Please help. 🙂

Leslie Karst

Leslie graphic

Even though Ellen already called dibs on the peanut butter and [insert surprising ingredient here] sandwich, I’m going to play copy cat. Because there’s just something about peanut butter that makes us yearn to combine it with unexpected foods. Elvis, after all, famously loved PB&Banana sandwiches (sometimes with bacon, too, Ellen—so you’re in good company). And my mom frequently orders PB&Mayonnaise sandwiches for lunch at her assisted care facility.

Me, I just love me a PB&S—the S standing for Sriracha—which turns the sandwich into a luscious, spicy, Thai-inflected meal. I think peanut butter is actually a sort of miracle food, given how equally at ease it is with both savory dishes and sweets. (And some day, perhaps, I’ll figure out why the French detest it so.)

Readers, do you have any unusual food favorites? Drop us a note in the comments below!

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43 thoughts on ““The weirdest thing I like to eat is..”

  1. Hmm, I can’t think of any weird foods I like. I have to say, none of your foods struck me as too odd either. Cynthia, I use Earth Balance margarine on my popcorn. I imagine it tastes similar to I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter. And the French detest peanut butter? Now that is odd!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. If I have pancakes, I like to also have sausage. I love to dip my sausage in the syrup. It’s one of those sweet and savory things. I also like to dip French fries in anything but ketchup — bbq sauce, Chick-Fil-A sauce, ranch dressing…

    Liked by 5 people

  3. my brother was a huge fan of thin sliced minute steak, potato chips, and mustard sandwiches. I’m a fan of a hard roll, marg, a small slice of edam or swiss cheese, and cherry or berry jelly. Also works with camembert.

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  4. Very interesting! None of these sound odd to me. I eat all kinds of weird stuff. Okay, maybe Lisa’s baby food is a winner. Let’s call it natural puréed peaches shall we?
    Ellen, when I was a kid, we were so poor getting pizza was a big deal. I would take my slice of cheese pizza and crumble Fritos on it, fold it in half and chow down.
    Girls, don’t get me started on the peanut butter. Everything goes better with peanut butter!

    My weirdest combo? The original chicken and waffles. From Pennsylvania, not the Harlem version. PA created it first, as well as whoopie pies! A stewed chicken (no veggies) with rich gravy on top of extra toasted waffles. Some restaurants actually serve waffles with a pitcher of just the gravy as an appetizer. Yeah, sounds strange (most of my friends shout Gross!), but don’t knock it till you try it.
    FYI, I have the recipe on my blog I’ve been ignoring for the last few months because of family drama and Illness.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hestia, hope things are better with your family. I’m more of a syrup than gravy person on the chicken and waffles front! And Lisa, I didn’t want to say, but the baby food thing is a little icky to me. But if it’s your thang, you know I still love you!

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    2. I’ve never had waffles with gravy or chicken but there was a restaurant in my hometown that served their french fries with gravy. It was delicious. And speaking of, Vickie, I remember the first time we went to Canada and saw mayo served with fries. You ARE continental. And…now it sounds like all I ever eat is french fries.

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  5. I’m not sure I have any “odd food” preferences. I tried chocolate covered bacon once and loved it. Again, that combination of sweet and salty.

    Cynthia: popcorn with white cheddar, chocolate and caramel, dark chocolate and sea salt, dark chocolate/sea salt/pretzel…all slightly salty, but only some involve actual added salt.

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    1. When my sister does movie nights at home, she throws M&Ms into the hot buttered popcorn. She also does…gummy bears and popcorn. (Not sure that has the same effect?)

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    1. I know, right? Cynthia, I think you should put peanut butter on your popcorn. Not sure it’s that weird, but apparently it will annoy the French and the Irish — stir things up!

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      1. Ha ha! I don’t want to annoy anyone. But it does sound kind of good.

        Whoa…I just had a flashback to standing on a chair at the kitchen table making some kind of popcorn ball with my mom (for a party? Halloween?) when I was very little. Aw.

        A caramel popcorn ball, maybe? Is that a thing?


  6. For all you French fry lovers (and I’m one of them), we have a local pub run by a Belgian that specializes in Frites. There’s a whole menu of dipping sauces for them–ketchup based, mayo based, pesto, blue cheese, etc. At least 15 of those. My favorite has been discontinued! Ketchup, mayo, sriracha, and sweet pickles–so yummy!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Vickie–my husband picked up the habit of French fries with mayo while spending time in Belgian while working as a flight attendant–he also like them with tartar sauce. When I was skinny, I used to like to dip mine in chocolate milkshakes–Wendy’s Frosties–are the best!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I am just an odd duck. One of my favorite foods growing up was the baby food pureed bananas. Still crave it every now and then, but they have messed it up too. I love potato chips on any savory sandwich (best for this are Golden Flake sweet heat and best choice of filling is pimento cheese). I grew up on Ketchup or Miracle Whip sandwiches and sure do miss Chees Wiz. When I first went to Germany I was shocked to see people only eat French Fries with mayo, just nasty. They could not imagine Ketchup. There are so many odd things I eat, but mixing things with peanut butter – nope not me!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey, Betty — great to see you here! Yeah, when we moved to upper Michigan I went to three different grocery stores looking for pimento cheese! Now I make it myself. 🙂


  9. When I was a kid a friend and I got caught drinking chocolate syrup straight from the can. And I have been known to eat Nestles Quik powder by itself, dry. Can you say “desperate for chocolate”?

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