A socially-distanced fashion parade


Girl who loves books facemask
I think this one would make a great holiday gift for all the Chicks. (Shhh! Don’t tell them.)

Did any designers last year predict that protective face masks would become the fashion accessory of the season? Probably not. While the reason that the trend was necessitated isn’t in any way fun, I have respect for those who are able to make lemonade out of lemons.

Smiley face mask
There are smiley face masks aplenty, from vampires to scary clowns. I like this friendly one.

I know some folks have mad skills and are sewing their own masks, including making masks that match their outfit of  the day. I have none such skills. I have a white print and a black prink bandana, but they don’t really fit well. I have some of the standard blue disposable masks, which are probably the most practical. And I have two washable black masks, one with stars on it, that hubs bought for me when I want to dress it up a bit.

Face face mask
If you’re afraid the world might forget what you look like, or if you like your guy to show off his handsome mug, try this custom photo mask.

Masks give the advantage of coverage to your face that hats have always presented as an option on bad hair days. The lipstick industry has probably taken a hit.

hot mess mask
I think this one captures the real “me.” Whatcha think?

I’ve invested a lot of time browsing masks on Etsy. They have everything from movie and cartoon characters to pink flamingoes to quotes and pithy sayings. They even offer customized text and photos for something that’s completely “you.” If you’re looking for something a little different, or you’re doing your Christmas shopping early, I’ve included a few ideas here, along with links. You’re welcome.

Mask of the Red Death
This Vincent Price mask appeals to the mystery writer in me. But I think it might hit a little too close too home for comfort.

In the comments, tell us what kind of mask you are wearing or would like to be wearing during the pandemic. (If you have a photo of masks you’ve made or you in your fave mask, please share it in the comments on the Chicks Facebook Page. (I’ve never figured out how to share pics in the comments here on the blog.) And be sure to give the Chicks FB page a like, if you haven’t already!

41 thoughts on “A socially-distanced fashion parade

  1. Ohmygosh … I love ALL of those! I may have to get a custom one with my real face on it. I’d definitely smile, though! I’m not going out much, so I wear the one I made the day everyone started posting their free patterns. It’s a cool black and white print with the accordion folds, but the elastic on my husband’s wore out so I found some really comfy ones made out of t-shirt fabric. We have a ton of cool ones—my sister made us some out of Crown Royal bags!—but I’ve found I can’t wear the ones with ties. They just won’t stay up for me! I must have a weird shaped head or something.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Becky, your head is beautifully shaped! I had the opposite problem, the first masks we bought were too snug and hurt my ears. I have a huge head. Those Crown Royal masks might be a bit warm this summer, but they’ll be perfect for going out this winter!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I have no sewing skills. Early on, the wife of a friend of ours at church made us some pleated fabric masks, so the one I usually wear is purple. We also have a box of the blue paper disposables. Those are what I usually wear, but the elastic rubs my ears and the extreme heat and humidity here makes them incredibly umcomfortable.

    I have resisted the “cute” masks because, well, it’s just not me. It’s a medical necessity, but you’d better believe I will not wear it one minute longer than “they” say I have to. But I might buy a Gator from my university – you know, the kind you can wear around your neck like a scarf, and you just pull it over your face when needed. They are giving every student one in their welcome packet this year. Silver with a repeating print of the sports logo. I’m enough of a nerd for my alma mater to buy one of those (bonus, it won’t rub my ears).

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Ooh, Liz, I think a Gator would be a perfect addition to your mask wardrobe! Now I need to check for masks from my alma mater — go, Tigers!

      Liked by 4 people

  3. I absolutely love, love the first mask..Just a girl who loves books.. That is a must have mask & the mask I want!!!! I wear a small assortment of masks, a couple of make-shift bandana masks, I have several medical masks & a grey cloth mask my daughter got for me which has a pocket & filters. Alas I’ve no masked photos at this time Thanks

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I know, Sheryl — isn’t it cute?! There are lots of book-themed masks on offer. I was tempted by one with “Book Nerd” printed on it.

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  4. Vickie, these are awesome!! I have a plain ol’ utilitarian mask, but I love the idea of doing something with a tough of whimsy or hilarity. I also saw a mask with LED lights shaped like a mouth that moves when you speak or smile. My description makes it sound kinda creepy, but it’s pretty cool!

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Thank you, Vickie! These are so cool. Thanks to your post, I’m feeling inspired to expand our solid-color repertoire. I was thinking yesterday that we should try some different kinds…what is your favorite brand, everyone? Or material? Ours are a sort of thick knit. But now that the school district just announced in-person learning*, I want to find something that is comfortable all day.

    *What in the world are they thinking? The students might be going back on a hybrid schedule, which is terrifying in and of itself, but the teachers, like my husband, have to be there every day.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Oh, Cynthia, I’m sorry some places are opening too soon. You’ll need some more masks. I imagine your teens will have specific ideas about acceptable mask fashions! I’m trying not to buy too many, since I rarely leave the house.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. *The lipstick industry has probably taken a hit* lol!

    My masks are both from Hawai’i, and are bright-colored aloha prints–one made with vintage cloth made by a generous friend, the other from the Hilo farmers’ market. Love how masks have become the new fashion hit of the season!

    Liked by 5 people

  7. I have one I won from Mary Feliz that is a bunch of books. I really love it. But I also like the one that is your nose and face. That’s a lot of fun.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. LOL, Vickie! I have a ton of masks, in all different varieties. My favorites right now are two I recently bought in New Orleans. One features famous ingredients, as well as the words “Cajun” and “Creole.” Perfect! But the other features a freakish-looking clown that used to greet visitors to Pontchartrain Beach. That’s great for people who know that. But not many do, so it just looks like I’m wearing a scary clown!

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Lol, Ellen! I’m sure you look adorable even in a scary clown mask. On the plus side, maybe it will encourage strangers to keep their distance!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I’m wearing my husband’s masks he uses for woodworking. He bought me a Maryland cloth one (MD flag plus crab). Masks make me dizzy (I have PPPD) so I’m hoping our time of having to wear masks will be short-lived.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. I have zero sewing skills, so when the virus started surging last March, I worried that anything I made myself would not offer any protection at all, to me or anyone else. I had a terrible time masks with filter pockets online, so I kept ordering and ordering, like throwing spaghetti at the wall. In the meantime I made do with a filtered construction mask from the hardware store. Then all the orders started coming through and I have quite the assortment of very ugly masks. Just today I received word that 2 plastic face shields are arriving tomorrow, yay! I’ll be all ready for fall.

    Liked by 2 people

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