Book Nerd

I almost cried when I heard my local library was reopening. Not curbside service but actual in-person browsing. Why?

Jennifer at local library with book mask

Because I’m a bonafide book nerd. I didn’t realize there was a term for this before, but it explains a lot of things. Reasons I know I’m a book nerd?

  • Needing to finish another page, even in the dimmest of light
  • Mispronouncing words because I originally learned them on a page
  • Packing books first before a scheduled vacation

I’ve been thinking about my book nerdiness because I saw that a new book, Book Nerd, had released a few weeks ago. It’s an illustrated gift book for readers. I’ve also been reading posts about #authorlifemonth on Instagram from the 2021 Debuts. It all reminded me that the bookish community is where I belong.

Why do I love libraries and books so much? While growing up, books were my way to:

  • Learn about new places (when we couldn’t go far)
  • Travel in time (to the past or the future)
  • Find book friends (when I didn’t quite fit in with my peers)

I feel an overwhelming sense of peace whenever I’m near books. It hit me when I entered the library again–for the first time in over a year.

Perhaps that’s also why I collect bookish items. I get to turn to them and find renewed solace whenever I need it, which happened a lot recently.

Here’s a peek at my bookish collection and my associations with them…

Checkout card journal: Reminds me of my quiet childhood

checkout card journal

To Write or Not to Write decal: Encourages me on my writing journey

"To Write Or Not to Write. There is no question." quote from BookEnds Literary Agency

We Need Diverse Books tote bag: Captures the joy of finding myself reflected in literature

We Need Diverse Books 5th anniversary tote bag

Fun book accessories: Provides inspiration for me to be creative

Believe book ornament: Revives hope during the long publishing journey

"Believe" book ornament

Finally, this photo is of a poster I saw on my last trip to the library:

Baby Yoda poster with caption: "Read: This is the Way."

Do you think of yourself as a book nerd?

33 thoughts on “Book Nerd

  1. I am absolutely a book nerd! Because I have eye issues, I have started using a Kindle. I can make the font bigger and I found I can read for much longer periods of time. It is always with me in my purse. I never know when I may have to wait either in the car or a Dr’s office, my latest read is always there. I am looking forward to my mystery buffs book group being able to meet in person again at our library.

    I collect coffee mugs, and one of my favorites is one that I got at President Jefferson’s home, Monticello, in VA. It has a quote that says “I cannot live without my books” Jefferson loved his books, and so do I.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. For sure I’m a book nerd. That’s why I’m surrounded by books I’ll likely never read again in my home office – I just like having my books around me. I read a lot on Kindle to save a little money, but since Amazon sells used hardcovers, I’ve also been reading a lot of those by my fave authors lately. I’m going out this weekend to buy more bookcases for the office to spread out those books I won’t read again but can’t bear to throw away.

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  3. I’m very much a book nerd too. My favorite place is curled up in bed with my dog laying with me as I read from my Nook on my nightstand. I don’t have to hold the nook, and I just happily flip the pages and get absorbed into the book. (My dog helps me with the “big” words!) LOL.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I am absolutely a book nerd! The library was my happy place as a child, and it–and bookstores, as well as my own library at home–continue to be where I can go to calm myself and be at peace.

    And I can’t tell you how much I love your mentioning mispronouncing words because you first learned them from reading them on a page–so true!!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. What a fun post, Jen! Libraries big or small always feel like sacred places to me. Our town library has remained open, but I haven’t been inside for a while. (That changes next Sat., for an actual live author event, yay.) I’ve always dreamed of having a dedicated library in my home, but it has never worked out, spacewise. However, thanks to your post, I just purchased the The Child poster from the ALA website, so it will be gracing my office. And…maybe a few squashed animal bookmarks, the perfect prezzie for my bibiliophile granddaughters with their birthdays fast approaching. I feel very happy now–thank you, Jen!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Since I’ve made you happy, Lisa, my work here is done! 🙂

      Ooh, an actual live author event. How fun!

      I’ve always wanted a dedicated library in my home as well. One of my author friends has this library with an actual rolling ladder–it’s my dream bookshelf space.

      P.S. Those squashed animal bookmarks are super cute, but be aware: They tend to plop out of the pages because of their squished form.


  6. I know I’m a Book Nerd because my face mask says I am! (I got it—surprise—at my local book store.) I’m so glad your library is back in business, Jen … but leave some books for everyone else!

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Great post, Jen — glad your library is reopening! I might be coveting that journal, just a little!
    I’m all kinds of nerdy, but books probably top the list. I even have a mask that says “book nerd”!

    Liked by 4 people

  8. One hundred percent book nerd aka lit nerd. Love this post and all of your joyful accessories and observations, Jen!! ❤

    When I was young, I had a bookmark that showed a stack of books and a (cute) worm with glasses coiled all around them. It said "I can't believe I read the whole thing." I never understood the saying because OF COURSE the whole stack would be read?!? And speaking of bookmarks, adore them, especially the kind with tassels! Always looking for new ones, so it was an enormous thrill to discover at my first mystery conference that authors were walking around giving them out for free. Woohoo!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lit nerd! That might be an even better current phrase.

      I don’t understand that bookmark either, Cyn. And I used to love bookmarks with tassels, but then they kept falling out everywhere and leaving loose threads all around and on me.

      Not even talking about other authors’ goodies, but I’m excited when I get my own swag bookmarks!


  9. Not only am I a book nerd, I (hopefully) turned my kid into one! I even bought her a face mask that said “Book nerd.” I wish I could have bought one for you, Jen. I adore your collection of book-related paraphenilia. It’s wonderful.

    I have such wonderful memories of the two libraries from my childhood. I went to visit the second one in Scarsdale, and plan to go again when I’m in NY. They just did a huge remodel, but I’m hoping the club chair I used to sit in by the old bay window is still there.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s the best, El! I want to turn my kids into book nerds, too.

      The NY library sounds lovely–I adore bay windows and cozy reading nooks. (I used to have one in my college dorm and miss it.)


      1. My kids are definite book nerds! My son’s 3rd grade teacher tried to punish him for not filling out his “reading log” by making him stay in at recess and read. She told me she knew she made a mistake when his eyes lit up. (He read more than the other kids in class combined, but didn’t see the point of writing down the time. Can’t say I blame him.) The rule at our house was always “you can stay up as late as you want, but only if you’re in bed reading.”

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