Out with the old, in with the new hip — and accepting progress over perfection

The start of a new year is typically a time to make resolutions and plans. My resolutions are more like wish lists, because if I were truly resolved I’d be thin and have an immaculate and organized home by now. I started last year with a very definite plan and even followed through on my part. But, best laid plans…yada yada. I planned to have … Continue reading Out with the old, in with the new hip — and accepting progress over perfection

Writer vs. Muse: A Twisted Tail

By now we’re two weeks into the New Year. The balloons have deflated and the party hats and horns and champagne glasses are packed up or recycled. Every other writer I know is officially back to work, committed to ambitious daily word counts. But me? I have to wait until January 28th, the dawn of the Chinese New Year. Here’s why. Long before the popular call to abolish 2016, it … Continue reading Writer vs. Muse: A Twisted Tail