TBR Updates: What’s Next On Our Reading Lists

We Chicks love to read, of course—but sometimes we’re so busy writing that those “to-be-read” piles on our nightstands start growing out of control. Here are a few of the books and series by other mystery authors that we can’t wait to dig into!

 Ellen Byron


Besides the awesome works of my fellow Chicks – yes, I’m totally excited about ALL your upcoming books! – there are three other mysteries I’m really looking forward to reading: In This Grave Hour, by Jacqueline Winspear; Devils Breath, by G.M. Malliet, and Murder at Chateau Sur Mer, by Alyssa Maxwell. I’ve read every book in each of these three series. Jacqui almost lost me when she – SPOILER ALERT!! – killed off Maisie Dobbs’ husband and then made the poor woman miscarry. But I got over my “WTF?!” and will stick with Maisie, if for no other reason than to see her get some joy in her sad life.

Lisa Q. Mathews

CotC Word balloons

Lately I’ve been on a short story kick, which worked out super well while I was under deadline for my last book. I bribed myself each night with another story. (By the way, I loved “Parallel Play,” Art Taylor!) It seems I’ve gotten quite hooked on the short format, so next I’m reading the 50 SHADES OF CABERNET anthology. (Really, how can you go wrong with vino?) Now that my manuscript is safely with my publisher, I’m also going to sneak a few full-length novels off the top of my TBR pile. First there are my fellow Chicks’ latest (because they always come first), and then I’m reading LynDee Walker’s Headlines in High Heels Mysteries, and also Catriona McPherson’s THE REEK OF RED HERRINGS. It just so happens all of these authors will be at Malice, so I will do my best not to be a fangirl stalker.

 Marla Cooper

CotC Marla Cooper

I’m so far behind on my to-be-read list that I’m still hoping to find out if anyone was murdered on the Orient Express. The cozies alone could keep me occupied for a year or two, and that’s if I only read the ones I already own. But my most immediate TBR must-read isn’t actually a mystery. One day I was looking in the Young Adult section of my local library when a book all but flung itself at me. I’d never heard of Rainbow Rowell, but Fangirl sounded appealing, so I read it and I adored her voice. Turns out, she’s kind of a big deal – and Eleanor & Park was her breakout novel, so I got on the waiting list for the ebook at the library. After four months of waiting (or was it five?) the library just sent me a notification that it would be automatically checked out to my Kindle. I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. Then after that, it’ll be back to solving murders again!

Vickie Fee


I’m looking forward to meeting so many cozy authors at the Malice Domestic conference later this month. Basically, all the ones I haven’t met yet. But I’m especially excited to meet British author Frances Brody. I first discovered her fabulous Kate Shackleton series, set in post-World War I England, a little over a year ago when a friend picked up a copy of the first book while she was visiting Ireland and gave it to me as a gift. I came late to the party and am still catching up on the series – up to Book 4, I think. But I enjoyed the first book so much that I liked the author’s Facebook page and left a comment. Then *she* actually friended *me* on FB. LOVE her! She’s registered for Malice and I fully intend to track her down. If you know Frances feel free to warn her.

Cynthia Kuhn


Always looking forward to books from the Chicks and Henery Press! Just finished reading two academic mysteries (the Miss Clover Lightfoot series) by Rosie Cavendish, which were absolutely delightful. Currently reading another academic mystery, Stuck, the second in the Penningtons Investigate series by C.T. Collier, and I am enjoying it tremendously.

Next up on my list: Marla Cooper’s Dying on the Vine. 🙂


Readers, what are you reading right now? And will any of you be attending Malice Domestic later this month? If so, be sure to say “hi”!

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15 thoughts on “TBR Updates: What’s Next On Our Reading Lists

  1. Ellen, I agree with you on poor Maisie Dobbs. I hope she finds happiness with someone. As to my TBR
    , I am waiting for Anne Hillerman’s Song of the Lion and the next art theft mystery by Ritter Ames. And not to rush the season, but I looking forward to Ellen’s Christmas Bayou book (I know that is not title).

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I’m currently half way through In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen and loving it. I’m off work this afternoon and plan to try to finish.

    Up next is Panda-Manium by the fabulous Stuart Gibbs. He may write for a middle grade audience, but any fan I’d good mysteries should read his books.

    After that is A Good Day to Buy by Sherry Harris.

    Looking forward to seeing all of you at Malice. (Or at the airport on the way to Malice, Ellen.)

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I’m currently reading Edited Out (A Mysterious Detective Mystery) by E.J. Copperman. Cynthia, I’ve read the Miss Clover Lightfoot series and have enjoyed them as well!

    Liked by 2 people

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