All the things I’m (not) going to get done in November

Like many people I start each January with a list of resolutions of all the things I’m going to accomplish during this calendar year. You know the list – ambitious, optimistic, unrealistic goals. Most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by March and have forgotten all about them by April. Not me.


Goal plan action
source: pixabay

I stop actively pursuing those goals by March, but I tell (lie to) myself that I’ll get back to them. November is generally the month that I drag out the list and convince (lie to) myself that it’s not too late – that I just have to make an aggressive game plan, and maybe scale back a bit. Why November? Because I don’t want to get bummed out (drunk) New Year’s Eve, ruminating how I didn’t check any items off my resolutions list. And because I’m realistic enough to know I’ll be much too busy in December with Christmas stuff.

scale weight-pixabay
source: pixabay

So, here’s my 2017 revised (fantasy) list of resolutions for November:

  • Lose weight. I know I’m not going to lose forty or fifty pounds like I’d planned in January. But I can still lose thirty. A pound a day, right? Plan: eat only green things that have almost no calories, except for a thin slice of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving alongside my thin slice of lean turkey breast, no gravy.
  • Get my home organized. Color code everything. Pare down my belongings. Embrace minimalism. Make room for joy. Plan: Invite Marie Kondo to move in with me.
  • Organize my writing. Update (start) my character bible. Corral all my research. Stop scribbling notes on the backs of envelopes. Start outlining; stop pantsing. Plan: Use Scrivener. I actually have installed Scrivener on my computer. (My husband installed Scrivener on my computer. But, I have watched the intro tutorial).


In addition to getting serious about my New Year’s resolutions, I signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in which participants write a 50,000-word novel during November. I figure it should be a cinch once I get organized. And as soon as I figure out how to use Scrivener the novel will practically write itself, right?


You probably won’t see me (anymore than usual) on Facebook this month. Wish me luck!

Are you serious about New Year’s resolutions, or goals in general? Do you devise a game plan to meet your goals? Anybody else attempting NaNoWriMo? Share in the comments.



VICKIE FEE, author of the LIV & DI IN DIXIE cozy mystery series, is giving away CATNAPPED! – a free original Liv & Di short story exclusively to her e-newsletter subscribers! Sign up for a free e-newsletter subscription through Nov. 14. The fall newsletter with a link for the FREE download as a PDF, or as an e-file for Kindle or Nook, will be e-mailed to subscribers on Wednesday, Nov. 15. (If you’re already a subscriber, you’re already on the list! And your e-mail address will never be sold or shared.)

27 thoughts on “All the things I’m (not) going to get done in November

    1. Liz, the important thing is you can’t tell any difference with or without the list of goals. That’s pretty much where I stand, too! (But it’s never too late to make a list — and ignore it)!

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  1. I gave up on New Year’s Resolutions. It was always the same: lose weight, cleaner house, more exercise. Last time I dared to weigh, I had lost 2 lbs since the beginning of the year. But I ate peanut butter cookies for dinner last night so those 2 lbs are probably back. The washer and dryer died so I bought two new ones with twice the capacity which means there is less laundry dotting the landscape, so that’s an improvement. But all kinds of good things have happened that I’ve been plugging along on.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Keenan, you make a good point. We don’t always give ourselves credit for all the things we do that weren’t on *the list*. And if you haven’t gained weight, you’re way ahead of the game!

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    1. You’ve made a decision based on self-knowledge, Christi. That’s wisdom! I’ve never let my constant failure on resolutions deter me from making a new list year after year!


  2. Too funny, Vickie! I relate to the lose weight one. That’s been on my list for twenty years. You’ll have to tell me how Scrivener is. I go back and forth on buying it. I fear it’s one of those things I’ll buy but never get around to learning and using.

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    1. Thanks, Ellen! Losing weight is like the weather, it’s one of those things we all talk about. I have a closetful of things I never use. At least Scrivener only takes up space on my computer. 🙂


  3. I have Scrivener installed too! But I had already made a way to do the things it does, at least the features I’d use, so after I watched the tutorial, I never opened it again. (Hey, maybe it’s sonething about the tutorial—since we both wandered away after. Lol.)

    Love this post. I’m always making lists and failing to accomplish the things on them. Oh well.

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    1. We’re not doing much to boost Scrivener sales, Cynthia! I do plan to learn how to use it — you know, when I get around to it. Maybe I should put it on my New Year’s list. 🙂


    1. I think I’ve pinpointed the problem for both of us, Mark. We don’t make resolutions or goals — we make lists! I’m really, really good at making lists!


      1. It’s funny you should say that because I’m really not that good about making lists. Or at least about writing those lists down. I guess I do make mental lists all the time.

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  4. Yes! I *so* relate to this. By the way, your short story cover is so cute! And hey, you can always check “Write a short story” off of your to-do list for the year — well done! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I must be on the same schedule- I started reading a book on minimalism. I’m sure I will finish reading this helpful (fantasy/fiction) book by the end of November- may have to add the implementation to next year’s list.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I did install Scrivener–and I’m afraid it was way too stressful for me. I’m back to actual index cards and sticky notes (literal problem: my dog eats them when I spread them out on the floor!).

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