Guest Chick: Jennifer J. Chow

The Chicks are so happy to welcome Jennifer J. Chow and help her celebrate Mimi Gets a Clue, the first book in her super-entertaining new Sassy Cat Mystery series. Even if you’re a dog person, you’ll love her post on “Cat-titude!”

Thoughts on Cat-titude

As a kid, I had a complicated relationship with cats…ever since my brother’s friend threw a cat onto my lap (and I experienced its claws up close and personal).

I gravitated toward dogs, who seemed more fun and excitable. My best friend’s chocolate Labrador even knocked me down once. Oh well. No harm, no foul. Cats, though, remained mysterious to me. Who knew what went on inside their heads?cat_stretchingOne of the reasons I enjoyed reading Garfield comics was to figure out a cat’s inner thoughts. Plus, his wit provided me relief as I navigated my elementary-size woes: snubbing by friends, teasing from enemies, and internal stressing about grades.

Over the years, I’ve appreciated cats more and more. I mean, look at the purr-fect puns you can make:nine_livesPlus, that cat-titude. I wish I could care less about what others think and adopt the straight-forward air of a feline. This photo is prime evidence of a cat’s response to my attempts to play with it/do a photo shoot together:cat_toyYears ago, at a sale organized by my local library, I remember stumbling across Garfield Takes His Licks. Not only was the book in good condition, but it was a signed copy! I’d found an absolute gem.

Little did I know that one day I’d be publishing my own version of a sassy talking cat. I hope that my novel provides the same kind of escapist joy that I once found through comics.

And I didn’t forget about dogs either. Odie definitely complements Garfield, and my book also has puppies in it—Chihuahuas, inspired by my friend’s cute dog:Wonderous and me (2)Readers, have you ever experienced “cat-titude?” Or… “dog-itude?”

Book links:

Author links:

Bio: Jennifer J. Chow grew up reading Garfield comics and adores creating sassy kit lit. She also writes the Winston Wong mysteries, which feature a regular meowing cat. Her other Asian American novels include Dragonfly Dreams (a Teen Vogue pick) and The 228 Legacy.

She’s involved in Crime Writers of Color, Mystery Writers of America, and Sisters in Crime.

Synopsis: Mimi Lee is in over her head. There’s her new Los Angeles pet grooming shop to run, her matchmaking mother to thwart, her talking cat Marshmallow to tend to—oh, and the murder of a local breeder to solve…now if only Mimi hadn’t landed herself on top of the suspect list. 

Mimi Lee hoped to give Los Angeles animal lovers something to talk about with her pet grooming shop, Hollywoof. She never imagined that the first cat she said hello to would talk back or be quite so, well, catty—especially about those disastrous dates Mimi’s mother keeps setting up.

When Marshmallow exposes local breeder Russ Nolan for mistreating Chihuahuas, Mimi steals some of her cat’s attitude to tell Russ off. The next day the police show up at Hollywoof. Russ has been found dead, and Mimi’s shouting match with him has secured her top billing as the main suspect.

Hoping to clear her name and save the pups Russ left behind, Mimi enlists help from her dreamy lawyer neighbor Josh. But even with Josh on board, it’ll take Mimi and Marshmallow a lot of sleuthing and more than a little sass to get back to the pet-grooming life—and off the murder scene.

33 thoughts on “Guest Chick: Jennifer J. Chow

  1. I experience cat-titude every day. It’s part of what makes cats so great! I had to laugh at the picture of you with the black cat. One of my goals is to eventually have an author photo that includes one of my cats. So far they haven’t been very cooperative, but I think it’s time to try again.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. My cat looks exactly like the black cat in your photo, Jennifer! Apparently they were designed (by a breeder from KY) to look (and act?) like a small black panther.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Oh yes. My neighbor has a cat, Zeke. He wanders over for affection and then…leaves. Like “Okay, done with this, moving on.”

    I, too, have always been a dog person. Now I have a greyhound. They are often referred to as “cats of the dog world” because they share a lot of attitude traits. For example, Koda can be very affection and there are times he wants attention and cuddles. Then he decides, “Okay, I’ve had enough” and he walks away to nap. He does, however, put up with a lot more shenanigans than a cat would. 🙂

    Liked by 7 people

  3. Jennifer, thank you so much for visiting with us! Your post cracked me up. It almost… gasp!… made me want a cat! (Dog person here. But a post like this could persuade me to give a cat a thought. 😉 )

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Jennifer, what a great post and photos! Congrats on the new series — it sounds amazing! And, “kit lit” — LOVE that! Thanks for visiting Chicks today!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Welcome, Jennifer, and congratulations on the new series!

    I was a lifelong dog person until I had a cat of my own. Oscar was almost constantly cross, which somehow made his “you may pet me now” moments that much sweeter. We loved his independence and spunk! I guess I’m now a dog AND cat person. I’d gladly have both in my life!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Aloha Jennifer, and so glad you could visit the Chicks today! As you know from our panel at CCWC last summer about “snarky cozies,” I love your Winston Wong series, and how great that you’ve got a new one now–yay!

    We had cats growing up, but since adulthood I’ve only had dogs. But like Liz, I now have a dog who can be pretty aloof and cat-like: she’ll give affection only on her own terms, and tough luck if you don’t like that. (I think it’s a Jack Russell characteristic.)

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Hi Jennifer, Huge congrats on the new series! I am a fellow snarky cozy author/fan, and Mimi Lee Gets a Clue sounds awesome–can’t wait to read. I have both the aforementioned black cat and an often-aloof Golden Retriever (yep, guess that’s possible–he must be a breed mutation). Also, may I add that your cover is spectacular? Thanks for joining us at Chicks today!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Hi Jennifer: What a great post AND pics–that cat on the stairs and the cat “playing” with you made me laugh aloud. Thanks so much for visiting us today!

    And huge congratulations on your latest! Sounds so great and I also love the cover (I put it on my TBR list the very first time I heard of it!). Can’t wait to read. Wishing you much success!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Much more dogitude at my house. In fact, I had to laugh the other day because I said something the other day about not liking biscuits and a friend of mine said, “You don’t like cats or biscuits? Who hurt you??”

    I love the idea of a groomer setting for cozies because my Nala (part greyhound, Lisa!) loves it there. After she has a couple of anxiety poops by their fake fire hydrant, that is. She gets “furminated” and her nails trimmed when she goes and the groomers fight over who gets to groom her. I thought they were joking until I saw all the heart-shaped stickers and such in her file!

    Can’t wait to read this one, Jennifer. Nala and I will have a reading club!

    Liked by 1 person

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