Chicks Super Edition: Marla Cooper and Kellye Garrett

Surprise! Guess who just dropped by Chicks today? Two of our founding members, Chicks Emeritae, and authors extraordinaire Marla Cooper and Kellye Garrett! Of course we had a zillion questions for them, and they graciously agreed to share just a few of the amazing things they’ve been up to lately…

 Marla, is it true we now have 2 Chicks in academia?

It is! I started teaching at Texas State University a couple of years ago in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. As an interesting side note, my school has its own Forensic Anthropology Research Facility, AKA Body Farm! Mystery novel inspiration, so close at hand!

What are you reading/streaming right now?

KG: I just started One of Us Knows by Alyssa Cole. I loved her last thriller, When No One Was Watching, which won an Edgar. She’s so good at taking a suspense trope—in this case an isolated location—and putting such a unique spin on it.

In terms of streaming, I’ve been obsessed with The Traitors murder mystery reality show. Peacock is streaming seasons from the U.S., Australia, UK, and New Zealand. And I have watched them all. It’s so interesting to see how interpersonal dynamics and personalities come into play.

We’ve seen the drool-worthy photos of your new abodes—we had no idea you were both such amazing designing women! What was your biggest challenge or triumph in the DIY department?

KG: First, thank you. I’m officially a homeowner, which has been quite the journey. Besides the standard “Eek, this is broke and I’m the one responsible for getting it fixed” drama, the biggest challenge has been my impatience. I wanted my place to be magazine-worthy on move- in, but you have to actually live in a space to see what works for you and get a sense of how it should look to be comfortable as much as it’s pretty. One thing I did quickly learn is that I needed to do as little DIY as possible.

MC: I’m weirdly proud of my bathroom. It was SUPER dated, with two pedestal sinks, Hollywood lights, and ugly, greyish-blue fixtures, including a bidet that was located so that the door hit it if you opened it all the way. We gutted it completely and spent an embarrassing amount of hours figuring out the layout, since it’s kind of an odd shape. But now, it’s my favorite room in the house!

Kellye, do you still create those gorgeous plotting boards when writing a new book?

I don’t! I had to get rid of a lot of stuff when I moved and unfortunately the white board was one of them. I have officially taken it online with this chart I had created years ago when I was still writing screenplays. The structure (think Save the Cat) still works wonderfully for plotting out books and short stories. And I don’t have to struggle to read my own handwriting.

Marla, whatever happened to your skeleton guy? Is he still hanging around?

“Slim” is still with us! He has his own antique wooden wheelchair, so we roll him around the house as the mood strikes us. We put him out in the garage to make room for our Christmas tree, and he hasn’t come back in yet, like a teenage boy who finally got his own room. Maybe I’d better go check on him!

Have you been seated beside anyone reading a book of yours lately? (FYI, Kathy was on an airplane and the woman next to her was reading one of your books, so of course she had to talk to her!)

KG: I’ve seen one person in real life with one of my books! She was reading my debut on my train. I think it was because I’d seen her reading a different mystery once (we rode the same line) and was brave enough to hand her my business card. So I was happy she’d actually bought it. I was shy and just snuck a pic. (I sound like a stalker so I hope this doesn’t deter people from reading my books in public!)

(Note: Lisa took the first pic below of Kellye at Left Coast Crime in Reno, celebrating her debut HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE. And the next pic is of Marla, with her debut, TERROR IN TAFFETA (pic not taken by Lisa).

Marla, update requests continue to pour in concerning your chickens, featured in a famous Chick graphic. Are they still clucking for your attention, or have they flown the coop?

They moved to a nice farm in the country — and that’s not a euphemism, like you might tell a six-year-old! We loved having them so much; did I ever tell you they would literally run out to greet us when they heard our car? But we found some people with a free-range poultry farm/petting zoo who could provide for them better than we could — and most importantly, they promised me they would never eat them for dinner.

Kellye, you co-founded Crime Writers of Color with Walter Mosley and Gigi Pandian, and the group quickly became a major force for needed change in the mystery community. Thanks to CWOC, we’ve made some progress–but where do we need to do the most serious work right now?

First, thank you for both the kind words and giving us probably too much credit. I do think we came along at the right time when publishers and others (but not all!) in the crime fiction community were finally willing to have tough conversations.

For me, my biggest concern is that books by marginalized authors about marginalized characters aren’t a trend. (It has been before. Just look up black women mystery writers in the 1990s.) I can’t wait for the day where it’s no big deal to see a cozy about a queer man, a PI story about an Asian-American detective, or—in my case—a domestic suspense novel about a Black woman.

Marla, many will never forget hanging out with you on the open-air lanai after a Left Coast Crime banquet in Hawaii. You played the ukelele, and we sang along. Do you still play the ukelele? (FYI, Kathy recently mentioned she can play Eye of the Tiger on the flute—can you accompany her?)

I do still play the ukulele! I’m actually part of a big group where a hundred or so players get together once a month to learn a song together. It is SO MUCH FUN! One of my favorite memories from that trip to LCC was getting to practice La Vie en Rose in Leslie’s back yard in Hilo pre-conference. She introduced us to her favorite breakfast spot where we ate banana macadamia nut pancakes, and last week the cultural exchange was complete when she was in Austin and I took her for breakfast tacos!

Kathy, I’m ready to duet — you name the time and place!

Kellye, are your adorable niece and nephew still your fiercest supporters?

My niece spent a good ten minutes looking through Like A Sister for her name because I’d dedicated the book to her mom. So she fully expected her name to be in the book too. So best believe that she and her brother’s names are in Missing White Woman more than once! I need someone to take care of me when I’m old.

Marla, what have you been working on, besides rehoming chickens, playing the ukulele, and designing bathrooms?

This is going to come out of left field, especially for Ellen and Kellye who used to do this for real, but I’ve been dabbling at TV writing! I teamed up with a college friend of mine who’s been kicking around Hollywood for a minute, and we created a sitcom together. We also got tapped to write an animated series through one of his connections, and – get this – we actually pitched FX last month with the creators of the show! Nothing has come of it yet, but I’ve loved the creative process and trying something new.

So, Kellye… any book news?

Yes! I’m doing a short story. It’s an Amazon Original Story, as part of their amateur detective collection out in the fall. I just got edits back for it. (Eek!) All my books have some social media element. Like A Sister focused on Instagram. Missing White Woman has TikTok vignettes. This short story deals with YouTube influencers, where a woman gets selected by this huge YouTube content creator to take part in an extreme Hide and Seek challenge for $50,000. When someone tries to kill the creator, she has to figure out who.


It just so happens Kellye Garrett also has a much-anticipated, glowingly-reviewed new novel, MISSING WHITE WOMAN, coming out on April 30th. You can get more details and pre-order it here:

 Last question (for now!): Will you visit us here at this coop again soon? We miss you!

MK: I’d love to!! I miss my Chicks and all the great people I met along the way. I’ve literally thought about writing a new series just so I can be back among my favorite people. Y’all inspire me so much, and I look forward to being in the same room with you again someday soon! (Note: Our beloved Jen joined us Chicks not long after this totally flattering photo was taken, clearly by Leslie and not Lisa.)

Readers, please join in our reunion chat with Kellye and Marla—any comments or questions for our esteemed Chicks Emeritae?

30 thoughts on “Chicks Super Edition: Marla Cooper and Kellye Garrett

  1. So glad we could get the feathered band back together today! Thanks, Kellye and Marla, for answering our Very Important Questions. Huge congrats on all your amazing recent accomplishments–with many more to come. Way to fly, Chicks Emeritae!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This was so wonderful!! I will always be incredibly grateful for you three bringing me into the coop. It’s fab catching up with you.

    A q for Mariella – I’ve seen many pix of Kellye’s beautiful abode. Where can I see pix of your remodel?

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Loved all the great updates! Happy to be part of the Chicks!

    Can’t wait for more accolades for Kellye’s upcoming book & her short story! Excited for any TV news from Marla–keep us updated!

    And I so want to hear a ukulele & flute duet; Leslie, you’ve got a new band you could join…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The TV thing is kind of a pipe dream, but it’s a FUN pipe dream! Right now we’re in that fun rejection phase, but hey, at least we’re trying! :) Thanks for saying hi!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my gosh, I miss you both so much, Marla and Kellye! This was such a GIFT!

    Thanks for hanging out and updating us on your always and ever amazing lives. Kellye, I’m SO excited about Missing White Woman hitting the shelves and Marla, I’m crossing all crossables for your TV writing endeavors (and yes to the duet!)

    My question to both of you: with your busy lives, how do you find time/energy/inspiration to do it all? Do you have copies of yourselves running around like Michael Keaton in Multiplicity?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Funny you should ask…the last two weeks I’ve needed multiple copies of myself more than ever! I’m finishing up the semester, producing a play, and volunteering to help register voters in Texas! Yesterday I spent a hot, sweaty day on the UT campus at a registration event with Beto (!!!), then last night I came home and sat in on Zoom auditions. Now today I’m about to head down to San Marcos to teach… but I’ll chuck it all for our Chicks cover band! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think you should add “get all the Chicks their own chicks.” You can wrangle all of us and all the flocks, since you’re not at all busy, right? right?? Seriously, glad to hear you’re keeping busy and having fun!


  5. How fun to get to have you two back with us today! It was so fun to get to hang with Marla last week in Austin (and yes, I was lucky enough to see that fab bathroom!), and looking forward to seeing Kellye next week at Malice!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. MARLA & KELLYE, thanks for the updates

    I fondly remember that Honolulu LCC Happy Hour gathering. Marla playing ukulele while Leslie stranded us while we ate snacks & watched a gorgeous sunset & fireworks!

    And kudos for all the work you do with CWOC, Kellye! The changing range of LCC attendees & Lefty nominees are greatly because of CWOC.

    See you in Nashville!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. MARLA & KELLYE, thanks for the updates

    I fondly remember that Honolulu LCC Happy Hour gathering. Marla playing ukulele while Leslie stranded us while we ate snacks & watched a gorgeous sunset & fireworks!

    And kudos for all the work you do with CWOC, Kellye! The changing range of LCC attendees & Lefty nominees are greatly because of CWOC.

    See you in Nashville!


  8. Hi you two! So happy that you are here and wow, your updates are fantastic! Congratulations on all of the amazing things you are doing. Houses and books and pitches, oh my!

    Really hope to see you again sometime soon–miss you very much. Love and cheers! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I have missed you two! *sniff, sniff* I have an appointment next week with ortho doc and HOPE to get my knee replacement on the calendar soon. That way I can make it Malice 2025 and I want to see ALL the Chicks, including y’all!

    Marla and Cynthia should start a Mystery Academy!!


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