Behind the Books: Becky’s Crossword Puzzle Mysteries and a Giveaway

My Crossword Puzzle mystery series has a lot of moving parts. It has the crossword puzzles, for one thing. I got my love of crosswords from my dad—and made him so proud when I began doing them in ink. I learned how to construct them before I wrote these books which was as fun as it was maddening. I won’t go into all the rules … Continue reading Behind the Books: Becky’s Crossword Puzzle Mysteries and a Giveaway

Behind the Book: The Witless Protection Program

NOTE: I’ll be at Left Coast Crime when this publishes, so my response to comments will be slow today. Bear with me! When I finished the draft for The Witless Protection Program, I wrote to my agent, “This is a screenplay masquerading as a book.” I’m a very visual person. I don’t know if it’s because of my years writing theatre and TV but I … Continue reading Behind the Book: The Witless Protection Program

Behind the Book: Ill-Fated Fortune

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories: Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation– research, rewrites, tidbits– you’ll find them all right here…  I visited a fortune cookie factory for book research. With a new series called Magical Fortune Cookie novels, I had to. Yeah, it’s a tough job, but someone’s … Continue reading Behind the Book: Ill-Fated Fortune

Behind the book: Protocol

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories: Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation– research, rewrites, tidbits– you’ll find them all right here…  Hiya! It’s Kathy, and I’m delighted to offer a peek into my first book, Protocol. A large portion of its plot revolves around odd messages my protagonist receives … Continue reading Behind the book: Protocol

Behind the book: My Fair Latte

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories: Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation– research, rewrites, tidbits– you’ll find them all right here…  Hi, Vickie here. Authors often get asked how much research we have to do for each book. So, I thought I’d share a peek into a tiny bit … Continue reading Behind the book: My Fair Latte

… But It Makes Perfect Sense

Remember last week when I posted about my new obsession with online jigsaw puzzles? We were having a GIGANTIC thunderstorm so I went downstairs where the noise from the hail wasn’t quite so deafening and tried to distract myself with a jigsaw puzzle. One of the other “weighty mental paths” I traveled while I worked on it ended up being something I keep thinking about. … Continue reading … But It Makes Perfect Sense