Behind the book: Protocol

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories: Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation– research, rewrites, tidbits– you’ll find them all right here…  Hiya! It’s Kathy, and I’m delighted to offer a peek into my first book, Protocol. A large portion of its plot revolves around odd messages my protagonist receives … Continue reading Behind the book: Protocol

Behind the book: My Fair Latte

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories: Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation– research, rewrites, tidbits– you’ll find them all right here…  Hi, Vickie here. Authors often get asked how much research we have to do for each book. So, I thought I’d share a peek into a tiny bit … Continue reading Behind the book: My Fair Latte

Behind the Book: “The Fragrance of Death”

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories. Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation–you’ll find them all right here…  You may notice that the cover of my most recent Sally Solari mystery, The Fragrance of Death, depicts artichokes. No, it’s not the murder weapon (though that’s there, too), but the noble … Continue reading Behind the Book: “The Fragrance of Death”

Behind the Book: Hot Pot Murder

Welcome to “Behind the Book,” our fun new Chicks on the Case feature! Join us as we Chicks share the real stories behind our stories. Inspiration, motivation, frustration, jubilation–you’ll find them all right here…  Hello! Jennifer here, and I’m going to talk about HOT POT MURDER–and cooking disasters. As some of you know, I grew up in a family restaurant. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t … Continue reading Behind the Book: Hot Pot Murder