Guest Chick: M.E. Browning

Ellen here, so happy to welcome my friend, Micki, aka M.E. Browning. Micki’s a fantastic writer and I’m super excited about her new procedural suspense mystery, SHADOW RIDGE. I loved reading about the unique collection of books that populate her bookshelf, and you will too. Welcome, Micki/M.E.! In Defense of the Incredibility Bookcase I came to social media kicking and screaming. During my twenty-two years … Continue reading Guest Chick: M.E. Browning

Murder Mystery Haiku (and a Giveaway!)

This seems to be a week for poetry on the Chicks! Today, I’m discussing the fun, Japanese poetic form of haiku. I was first introduced to haiku back in 1977, when my law professor father initiated the Federal Jurisdiction Haiku Festival at the UCLA School of Law, inviting students and professors to submit original poems on this arcane subject. This was long before I became … Continue reading Murder Mystery Haiku (and a Giveaway!)