Out with the old, in with the new hip — and accepting progress over perfection

The start of a new year is typically a time to make resolutions and plans. My resolutions are more like wish lists, because if I were truly resolved I’d be thin and have an immaculate and organized home by now.

Image: Pixabay

I started last year with a very definite plan and even followed through on my part. But, best laid plans…yada yada. I planned to have two hip replacements. I ended up having only one hip replacement due to complications from the first one. My anticipated six to eight week recovery period turned into two additional surgeries, months of antibiotics, and more months of physical therapy. No worries, I’m doing fine now, getting around well and, despite not having the second hip replacement, I’m not in pain. Since not being in pain was the whole purpose of the surgeries, I consider it a win even if things didn’t exactly go according to plan.

I’m also down 45 pounds in the last year and a half. I don’t recommend anxiety and nausea as a good diet plan, but I really needed to lose the weight. So, another roundabout win.

Distracted by medical issues, and bummed out about the pandemic like everyone else, I didn’t write nearly as much as I had hoped or “resolved.” I did make progress on a new manuscript and, while I still have a lot of writing left to do, I figured out most of the plot. Win.

Image: Pixabay

During my convalescence, the apartment was a disaster. My sweet husband took care of the necessities — and me. Things are still a bit of a mess, but the coffee is made, the dishes are washed, the bathroom is clean. And I’m not allergic to dust. Good enough.

My plan for this year is simple: Remember to be thankful for the small things, worry less, pray more, eat healthier, and write consistently.

(Note: I don’t want to discourage anyone needing a hip replacement. I’ve read that complications such as I experienced are rare.) 

How about you? Do you have any resolutions, plans, or wishes for 2022? How did your list from last year pan out. Share in the comments.

37 thoughts on “Out with the old, in with the new hip — and accepting progress over perfection

  1. Sorry to hear your hip replacement came with so many complications. Being pain free is huge though. I don’t make resolutions, but here’s hoping 2022 is a great year all around!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m so glad you made it through the rough recovery and are now pain-free!
    I met my 2021 writing goals, for the most part. It was the stuff out of my control that went sideways. Plans to attend Malice Domestic and Bouchercon? Well, stuff like that didn’t happen. Hoping for better in 2022.
    Happy New Year, Chicks!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Glad to hear you’re on the mend and writing again, Vickie. 2021 was good for me. I published a novel, wrote several short stories and checked off a bucket list item by getting a story into the Strand Magazine. My plan for 2022 is simple – take it a day at a time.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Vickie, you’re amazing! I know 2022 will be your year! I have so many writing goals. But my most important 2022 goal is to give my daughter the support she needs after graduating college. Her time has been upended by Covid and it’s been brutal in her and brutal to watch. I’m praying she gets at least some normalcy back before her final semester ends.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Like others, I so glad you for your recovery. Adversity changes us—often for the better. Last year’s challenges set the stage for the good things—clarity of purpose and redesign of website—a foundation on which writing dreams can come true in 2022!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Queen, as I noted, my resolutions are really more of a wish list! If you read the books/number of books you set out to then the listing/posting is really just a technicality. Give yourself the credit you deserve! And Happy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank goodness you’re feeling better, Vickie! I met my writing goals, but not much else I’m 2021. No goals for this year beyond making it from one day to the next.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Vickie, I’m glad you are now pain-free, despite the roundabout way you got there. My step-mother had two hip replacements years ago and she’s much better for it.

    I wisely stayed away from firm plans or goals in 2021. I’m thinking I should do the same for 2022. I think the line from the latest Spiderman (“Expect disappointment and you’ll never really be disappointed”) goes a bit far, but I’m definitely tempering my expectations lately.

    Here’s to an expectation-exceeding 2022!

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Bummer about your hip! I had a disastrous hip replacement too. Not as lenghty, but it did nothing good for my pain and made it harder to walk. I wish I’d had the kind most people have, too! I need to find a new agent–that’s my big one! Happy New Year!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, no, Kaye! I’m so sorry you had to go through that, and especially that you still have pain. It’s horrible to go through that ordeal without a pay-off! Good luck with the agent search and Happy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy New Year, Vickie! So glad that you’re moving around and out of pain. Several years ago, I stopped making resolutions and focused on a word for the year (e.g. “peace”). I would love to be more attentive to my physical and mental health in 2022, but I’m also taking things one day at a time. Best to everyone this year!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. We are all so glad that you’re finally on the mend, Vickie, and moving forward once again! Yay! I don’t tend to make new year’s resolutions, but I do want (and need!) to get the draft done on my Sally Solari number six. Figuring out most of the plot would be a great start! So good for you on that one, my dear!

    Happy new year to all the Chicks and to all of our beloved readers! Here’s to more plots–but ones with no infections!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. My plan remains the same as always … stay sexy and don’t get murdered.

    2021 was good for me, from a writing standpoint anyway, and I expect 2022 will be too. I’m being more optimistic in my travel this year with conferences, a couple of trips with hubs, a trip with my daughter, and my son’s wedding in the fall. Fingers crossed, right?

    And being pain-free is a very worthy goal! I’m glad you met it, Vickie!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. So incredibly glad that you’re feeling better and are on the other side of that intense experience, Vickie! You are such a champ! 2022 is going to be better! (And honestly, the fact that you were working on a plot throughout is amazing and impressive.)

    I’m happy to be starting a new year. Last year (and the year before!) are better left behind. Hopeful that this year will bring peace on a variety of levels–and joy–to all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! I hope all of us have left health difficulties behind and will be walking in health this new year. I’m so excited about your new series and proud of you and the other Chicks who put new books out in the world this past year! Happy New Year, sweet friend!


  13. Happy New Year, Everyone!! My apologies for tuning in a little late today–believe it or not, I somehow sort of forgot it was Monday. (I am not kidding. I will do better.) Vickie, you have been so brave through all your trials–can’t wait to see you dancing down the sidewalks of Bethesda at Malice this year! And congrats on shaping that new novel. I created what I am calling a Non-Visual Vision Board for 2022. A few bullet-point goals that I hope will help make the new year a lot better than this past one for me. Good riddance to 2021–hope it ends up in whatever fiery place 2020 is hanging out in for eternity. My word for this year is “Finish.” Cheers and hugs to all!


  14. Vickie,
    I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles. It sounds like your husband is definitely on your list of blessings.
    My main goal for 2022 is to focus on the important things in life.
    Happy new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thanks, Jackie! Focusing on what’s important sounds like a good plan. Wishing you much health and happiness in the new year!


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